DPP Worksheet for NEET

So at last I started working.

Sometimes, we want to study a topic in physics and sometimes we need to revise a topic in physics, we need worksheet for this.

Since you are preparing for NEET, which is a MCQ based test, you have to do as many questions as possible. If not for all subjects, but mathematical subjects like physics and chemistry need practice. A lot of practice, in fact.

So, to revise or to study a topic, we need worksheets, but when we search on internet, very few times we found quality material online. Nowadays people started generating pages with the help of AI like ChatGPT.

The other problem is that most of the worksheets we found are behind a wall. Either, we have to pay or we have to register on their website. Once you register, you got a lot of spam calls.

So, I am making a place where you can download good Practice sheets for NEET for free.

If you are a small coaching center who is not able to afford a good computer operator, this is a place for you. We are planning to make a place where you would be able to download all the files in these DPPs in word format. It is up to you what you want to do the word files.

You can extract questions from the files and make your own Practice sheets. Or you can put your own logo and use the files as it is. This is the plan, which is on hold for now.

So Enjoy the sheets here. Since I am in the process of uploading the sheets, I will write a post in announcements whenever I will post new sheets.


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